Mint Tractor

I'm sorry, I apologize, please forgive me for doubting all of you who have told me of the need for the Mint Protractor. I got it today, and just did a quick check to find that the cartridge is indeed off set up with the VPI protractor that comes with the Supercout/10.5i. I read the directions and it is a very tedious, and slow going procedure, so I'll get back in a while and tell you if I hear any differences.

I see the same thing from the tape on my Galibier platter as well. Not hard to do with a graphite surface. As you said, there doesn't appear to be any adhesive but there still may be. I'm going to try a little Goo Gone just to see.

I've abandoned the tape-down approach altogether. Between the weight of the plate glass protractor and the platter on the Galibier, it simply doesn't move. I used to tape the platter to the 'plinth' using blue painter's tape, but now I find even this to be unnecessary. I do however go back and reconfirm overhang when I've completed alignment.

OOOPS...I didn't use Scotch Tape. I used a thick tape that I use when repairing violins...I knew it wouldn't leave a residue...sorry. I would call or write to VPI and ask them what they recommend. Stan
What Palasr said ^^^

I haven't bothered taping the platter or a protractor in several years. If you work carefully and delicately then nothing will move. If you don't work carefully and delicately, you shouldn't be aligning a phono cartrdidge! :-)
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