Mint Tractor

I'm sorry, I apologize, please forgive me for doubting all of you who have told me of the need for the Mint Protractor. I got it today, and just did a quick check to find that the cartridge is indeed off set up with the VPI protractor that comes with the Supercout/10.5i. I read the directions and it is a very tedious, and slow going procedure, so I'll get back in a while and tell you if I hear any differences.
Viper, I too found my Zenith Angle off.
I'm certainly no expert on Cartridges, but I take it that Zenith Angle is a very important adjustment.
Probably not so, with a Conical Stylus, but who's running one of these, unless maybe you're running a Denon DL-103R?

For these Micro Line Stylus', like my ZYX, I take it that this is very important to get right.

Don't feel like you got cheated, or wasted money, know that you were one of the very few "lucky" folks, who had at least thier overhang correct. You still found error, and this is a testamnent of how good this Portractor is (a compliment in diguise actually).

Pleae let us know what sonic differences you hear, if any. Mark
Viper, as Yip would say, if you have only spent 15 minutes adjusting your alignment there is no way it is as good as it can be. Keep trying grasshopper. (OK, the grasshopper part was mine.)
09-16-08: Dan_ed
Viper, as Yip would say, if you have only spent 15 minutes adjusting your alignment there is no way it is as good as it can be. Keep trying grasshopper. (OK, the grasshopper part was mine.)

Is this a sarcasm? So I should take out my cartridge and spend another 2 hour to set it back to where it is right now?
No, not sarcasm. I'm just passing along what Yip told me when I said almost the same thing you did. But that doesn't mean you have to. If you're satisfied that you can't improve on what you have now, or just don't want to try, that is ok. It is entirely possible, though a real long shot, that your VPI tractor helped get your alignment that good. Even so, you will have a much better chance of getting the alignment very good again with the Mint tractor should something change. So don't be too disappointed with your new protractor.
I have seen too many fastidious audiophiles, including Dan and Doug find themselves shocked at the level of sonic improvement an arc-style protractor effected in the sound of their systems.

You may be one of the few exceptions who can actually use a conventional protractor to get the same setup. I'd also place Frank Schroeder in this category - from the dozen or so setups he's done that I've witnessed.

For the rest of us humans, I put my money on Yip's protractor. Thanks to Palasr for pointing us toward Yip.

Thom @ Galibier