Based on the specs you are showing, the match for cart. loading should be OK. I own the Hovland and I use a Benz Ruby 2 LO. The Hovland is designed to work well with just about any cart. out there providing low noise and excellent dynamics with a step-up transformer. If you want to be absolutely certain, call Hovland and talk to Alex Crespi who will tell you exactly what you want to know. If you want to load your cart. at a lower impedence, Hovland will change your fixed 530 ohms to around 200. Many cartridges load better at a lower impedence, but be aware that cart. loading is tricky with a step-up in the mix. Alex I believe will echo this if you talk to him. Don't be influenced by friends or threads here where people talk about various cart. loadings. They might be using preamps with active phono stages which react differently to cart. loads. BTW, depending on the age of your Hovland, there might be mods available from Hovland at a reasonable price. Mine is almost 5 years old and I had mods done by them last Dec. and they made the already outstandingly quiet phono section even quieter. Well worth the expense.