Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Ok, I am going to try and set the record straight and then depart. I apologize since it looks like I have been labeled the bad guy but evidently some of you did not follow the thread very closely. It did not "turn into a personal attack on him" until after he flipped out and attacked me.

Towards the end Crem dismissed those with small collections and less than state of the art systems saying his process was better used by large collectors like himself who could afford to pay people to find records for them. I found this just a bit arrogant and I merely stated that in my opinion the process was impractical for large collections due to the time it would take and said

The amount of time spent in this thread on the minutia of the process is time wasted that could have been spent listening. I propose that you have become so eaten up with the process of cleaning that you have detracted from the joy of listening.

I fail to see how this is offensive unless you think "eaten up" is an attack but I don't see it, and I still believe my point is valid that the amount of time spent on this had become excessive.

Crem then took it up a notch by responding with an incoherent rant
Herman your distorting what I ment but you have a point, even if your needle is gouging into the vinyl . Had I understood how far reaching & insiteful you are I would have never given you the time of day much less taken 100's of hours of my time to carefully doctument the process & testing Steam Cleaners to save YOU money. Herman, I plead guilty for misunderstanding the creatant thinking. You have a perfect right to be a lug and your right again. Responding takes away from my precious time that I NEED TO STEAM !! So why waste your time sending me tripe? Oh Herman thanks I think I'll listen to the needle slaming into the label full tilt , thanks again, Hey gang what a guy...Oh Doctor, Doctor do you have any little green pills to make him go away ? Thanks, Doctor I FEEL so much better...Herman get a life. Ha, Ha Ha .... Ah, just one question before I go ... What have you ever done to advance the SOTA in record enjoyment besides writing this ? Now, I'll have another pill Doc... All the best & don't be too insulted , you already did that to me.

I should have dropped it at that point but it irritated me that he would start yelling at me about what I considered a perfectly valid point and I took it up a notch. I should not have done that and I sincerely apologize for doing so.

If you agree that my statement quoted above was not meant as an attack, and I truly did not mean it that way, then it did not turn into an attack on him until after he turned and attacked me.

Thank you for your time. I will leave you all to your discussion.
Post removed 
Herman- I found your question(s) most valid, the attacks made in response. This is an open forum and the more ideas and people that participate the better it becomes. Sometimes these threads become a pulpit for prophets, again all good, an open forum. Take what you want leave the rest. If someone wants to make their lifes ambition being the best steam cleaner ever, God bless them. They could be doing a lot more harm. I like to steam clean because it is affordable and easy. I do it to keep my records sounding good, playing good music. I am not interested in spending more time getting one more pop out of my album when I could be using that time listening to records. The music is so much more important to me than the process.
Herman : Let's Just Step Back in Time ...

Vinyl cleaning methods were in the dark ages with cloths , buffers and sprays until vacuum based record cleaning machines which, in my opinion, offer a iffy first line of defense for deep cleaning vinyl.

For my part, I was content to think & develop all sorts of vinyl cleaning machines as my way to combat unremitting cronic pain from an automobile accident that led to a series of heart attacks and worse.Overcoming cronic pain became a personal contest ; I focused on Audio as a way to overcome the effects of being bed-ridden for years with crippeling effects of pain & the disabilities the accident forced upon me. Pain changed me .

And , that is where matters stood until a friend suggested I forwarded a short article on deep steaming vinyl records to Listener Magazine. " And it Makes A Fine Gift" was lite-hearted tome outlining the stean cleaning method. "Gift" was published by "Listener" also as my challenge to the audio review community , many of whom had presented rather droll ideas on cleaning vinyl in a recent edition of "Listener" specifically devoted to cleaning records. "Listener" had intended to review steam cleaning ; all that fell-thru with the demise of the Mag. However, Art Dudley didn't forget about me or steam cleaning.

Sometime later, Michael Fremer of "Stereophile" notifed me of his interest in the steaming subject. That began months of z-mails resulting in his testing the method for soundness & safety; Mickey became a reluctant convert. Thereafter, "Stereophile" published Mr. Fremer's articles relative to steaming , even including brief side-bar on steaming in the '03 "Recommended Issue" : In early, 2006 they printed an two part article regarding record cleaning in which they acknowledged me was the person behind the steam cleaning method.

Since before then and after, my phone hasn't stopped ringing . A few of those calls include audio manufactures requesting private demostrations of steaming . Guess what won ?

Along the way , Mr. Fremer sent me a cautionary email about publishing one's views , allowing me to read some comments he is at times sent. I didn't get it then but I do now.

For my part, I should not have responded to your comments except respectfully, or not at all. For the record, I did not diss anyone . But, when you take this Hobby to the next level, the critera change.

One narrow comment; specifically, some private and governmental instutions have God-Knows how many recordings left in storge for years. It is an now ongoing in-house debate if these recordings will be held for the future or for budgetary reasons turned into trash. I know; I personally spoke to a Libary of Congress person that expressed reservation to accepting my collection of 1887-1900 Edision wax cylinders because , in part, of cost associated with preservation. I believe I know the value of those waxes on the open market , but that didn't matter.

I make no apology for others people's wealth (sorry). As for all the rest , I'll plead guilty koz I'm not going to go to jail for being such rabid audio hound . But, none of what I have outlined permitted to you the right to state some remarks that led to the thread's demise.

Herman, my apology. This is my last public comment ; I hope all will agree.
All at times we all get the feeling we are being offended. Its a way of life but in the end we are the ones who let what others say upset us and make us mad. Its hard to just let it go in todays arena of political correct society. You can let it go because its your choice.
Zenblaster you have hit it on the head
"The music is so much more important to me than the process" This is why to me steaming is so important it opens up your vinyl records and brings a superior sound. Its easy to do and the results are fantastic. We can use this thread to improve on the subject.
Lets enjoy the music and the hell with the rest.