Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.

I just registered for the express purpose of asking what brand/model is considered the #2 choice behind the Perfection steamer, which is no longer available? I apparently discovered this thread a month or so too late...
I just bought a $40 1000W Shark hand-held from Target on-line. It works great, does not run out of steam, and appears to be well-built.
Thanks. On my way home today I stopped at yet another Walgreens and found that they are now carrying a steamer under a new name, "Living Solutions". Is it any good? Well, I intend to find out since I just bought one. I have a few more things to gather up before I attempt to cook my first LP. Stay tuned.
One other question/thought:

Has there been a history of flame wars in this forum? The requirement for every post to be reviewed and approved by a moderator (and the subsequent, lengthy delay involved) seems like an arrangement best suited to misbehaving children, not responsible, reasonable adults.
To be honest the answer is yes. But don't let that dissuade you from using steam to clean your records. However, it could also be that you are new and the moderators don't "know" you yet.