Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I have to thank the members on this thread. Thanks especially to Creml and Stltrains. Why? Cause steam cleaning records it the greatest thing since sliced bread.

When I started reading, thinking, "What a foolish notion, steam cleaning records." Well, color me foolish. The more I read the more I wanted to try it. So, I bought the Shark cleaner, and went to town. Cleaned dirty used records, cleaned new records, cleaned clean records already sucked by my VPI 16.5. The combo of the 16.5 and steam is genius.

The sound? Records I'd listened to many times (That were already cleaned!) took on a new life. Lower lows, more defined highs. Just more there there.

If you haven't already, spend the dough and do it. You're gonna love it.

Thanks again!
Rada i had a very respected audiophile tell me if you dont get off your butt and try something you will never know what could have been good or bad. At around 8 minutes a lp time can be a factor in the end though because what you experienced in sound like most others i have been going through my collection and steaming all of my vinyl.

Yesterday i cleaned 20 lps and half were from my collection. The difference for better sound is beyond what i ever thought possible. Spirit 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus sounds like a veil was lifted from my speakers. The Radiators Law of the Fish a very fine recorded and produced lp puts the band in the room with you. Same goes for Eagles One of these Nights. All cleaned by other than steaming. I will say this using lab grade water as a double rinse also IMO contributes to increased resolution.

Thanks for the kind words.
Wondering if anyone's taken a look at the McCullouch MC1235 handheld steamer. Here's a link for reference. Continuous fill seems like a nice feature.

I've already returned one DOA Shark back to Target.
R3w200 : It appears you have found not just a replacement but a upgrade to most other steam cleaners. I believe the variable steam control could bring LP steam cleaning to a new level , the continious refil of water is another bonus. R3w200, you may be on to something. Now for some R&D, namely buying a unit and putting it thru the drill.