Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Ho72, Try Peak Battery water @ $3.00 gal; its an excellent product and is sold @ Pep Boys Auto Stores. I use it myself with excellent results because the water besides being distilled , has been filtered , demineralized and deionized. One suggestion, examine/shake the container to assure the product is not so old that mold has started to grow. In all the years I have been using Peak Battery Water I did have one "bad" gallon that I filtered & used around the home with no problems.
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Sorry Tvad, I don't mean to be argumentative or difficult, I'm just asking the the general population here whether they think that water from a single distillation process is inferior or equal to a lower tier reagent grade RO water.

Crem, there are no Pep Boys outlets near me. I suppose I could have some shipped, but I've read about the sediment/mold issue too. I guess I could check into whether the water carries any kind of expiration or packaging date.
Peak is a popular brand (like Prestone). You should be able to get it at most any decent auto parts store.
The 5 gallon Nerl water of which you speak looks exactly like what I've been using in my perfection steamer. It works great and I do trust it's purity much more than the distilled water I was using before. I also use it to rince off and clean brushes and vacuum tubes when finished and as the mix for the Disc Doctor fluids. A 5 gallon container lasts months so I think it's worth the extra cost. I use the more expensive reagent grade water for the final vinyl rinces though. This is all working for me very well. YMMV.