Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Doak "We clean a lot of records here. Anything that may slow us down that process would not be a welcome change". It would be helpful to know who you are , the number of records steamed per day & for what reason. Are you a reseller ? Is this a business ?
I tried a Shark Steam Bottle which also utilized a trigger to pump water into the heating chamber. I personally did not care for this added requirement, much preferring to simply hold down the trigger on a Perfection-like model (also a Shark brand,) for continuous steam. Another concern was the quality of the pump. I've had bottle sprayers quit relatively quickly.

I guess the other advantages of the MC might make it worth considering if I were starting from scratch... but for now I'll keep the Shark.
Ho72 , The traditional water boilers do have a rightful place in steam cleaning records. As you may recall I have a slew of water boilers at home that are acceptable. My choice of the perfection was for a variety of reasons and I continue to feel it was one terrific value. I have a feeling that I'm a tad easier on the trigger. Even with the Perfection I rarely if ever have held a trigger down except for seconds at a time. I don't know why but thats the way I have always steam cleaned LPS. I my past life I was a Certified Handgun Instructor. Perhaps I squeese the trigger differently from that work. I gently squeese never pull using my wrist,hand-eye coordination to get the job done. I guess the MC 1235 fits my profile better. But I score it by performance and by that measure it has a place in my cleaning arsenal...(if you get my meaning).All the best.
Doak : You are a significant reseller of LPS. The fact your are a reseller is testmony of the value of steam cleaning.

From what I gather it is almost a "factory" setting ; that is a "ton" of LPS in ,hopefully, a "ton" sold. I feel you are not using as clean a water supply as I would. The reason I say that is that it is a scientific fact using public water supplies always results in a break-down of the steaming unit. That NEVER occurs when water supplies recommend in the Thread(s) are added to the steamer.

I support the use of steaming LPS for resale and I'm glad you are doing such . My advice, use only traditional water boilers. Yours is a business , only water boilers will suffice the profit motive.

The are cheap and withstand abuse without imparting a significant problem to the LP. But, in the future be up front about who/what you are. You not in the same league as we comsumers. I'm sure you understand that & my meaning. I wish you sucess.
Hey Crem,

Thanks for your "straight talk" and always valuable info.

Yes, we do "deal" in vinyl, though it stems from love for the medium I assure you. ;-}