Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Doak, Don't make yourself a stranger to the conversation. You are gaining valuable insite to the use of steaming. Any feedback that you wish to share is appreciated. The very best in business and health.
I've been scanning this thread, and haven't read everything. Is steaming only appropriate for vinyl, or will it work with 78's also?
Wr4, I would proceed with caution. 78's are made with different materials and subject to breaking. I do not steam my 1903 talking machine cyclinders and none of my friends with RCA Victrola Credenza's steam their 78's. Our ancient recordings are cleaned using super fine brushes & Disc Doctor products.
Thanks. I figured if no one had written about it, it was probably a bad idea. So, even though 78s were made when we still had steam locomotives, no steam cleaning!
Wr4 , You have a excellent point. My guess is they applied sota materials drawn from nature, no exclusive "human-made" material. Just as Edison & his team did. I own a few very early cylinders, they are 99 percent'ish beeswax. But do try the Disc Doctor products , the inventor is a 78 collector. And yes, no one had the household steamers until 15-ish years ago-We are far better off in more ways than they.