Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Hi Crem, you're funny... and touche, I suppose...

All right then, how do you propose I hear a steamed cleaned record? If we lived in close proximity it would be worth the drive for me to hear the wonder of wonders. Or if I send you a record will you steam it for me? I'm not defending the cleaning method I'm using now, the Audio Intelligent, I'm just saying when I use it I hear nothing but the music flowing out, if it's a good recording/pressing to begin with, much much better than if I hadn't used it at all, that sort of black between the notes reviewers talk about.
I'm not against your steaming totally, it just seems like a lot of work when you have a product that seems to be doing a dandy job, why make things harder on yourself?
Plus, a friend has done some checking with the Library of Congress, who he defers to on all matters of media, seems to go contrary to your opinion, and offers their own formula for a cleaner. Again, it's not the be all end all, but maybe neither is your steaming.

And as for the golf ball, you can chide me all you want. I was warned when I got one some people would make with the cracks. So I gave a short retort. I didn't think I was attacking your steaming method. More like I was bothered by your pontification of it.

And, you didn't answer when I asked what your comment was regarding SOTA. If you're using a sota table, then we have nothing further to discuss....

good luck and take care
Chashas1 : SOTA> State Of The Art. I have been granted Research Credentials at the Libary of Congress. I know a few folks there that preserve early recordings & photographs. I personally own early wax cylinders & photographs.

I don't feel the need to support the statements on water beyond what I wrote. My remarks are confined to vinyl not wax or other compounds and are amply supported by doctumention.

I'm not a chider & don't pontificate(in my view). I'm guilty of attempting to reform the paradigm with regard to record cleaning. Its worth the effort...Good luck to you.
Wow, I think my friend will be most envious of your credentials--that sounds like fun. I love early photographs. I have a friend who does paintings from them.

Well, who knows, maybe someday if an easy to use steam cleaning machine,that I know won't melt my records,comes to market I'll be one of the first in line.

Good luck in your endeavors...
(oh, so what turntable do you have?)
Chashas1 i have to ask who said steaming will melt your records and do you really believe that? Also are you against doing a little work if it will bring you a positive return?
And if it does not offend you could offer your age?
I dont have any negative thoughts with my questions to you just wondering.
Chashas1: You appear a brite , brittle person who can't keep their hands from touching the flames. Your comments have nothing to do with steaming . That is troubling . Envey in my religious tradition is an evil that we as believers must refrain from. You show a strain of thinking that doesn't truly appreciate your intelligence, a sign of youth w/o restraint. I respect your acute perception(s) & for that reason only I will answer your final question.

I enjoy re-designing Maplenoll Turntables & Tonearms. I design the air delivery systems & use my of my own air scrubers design but, alternatively, Schroder arms & AC Raven Turntables are available to me that I enjoy & experiment with often with other fanatics. I own several other tables but that is of no importance. I have learned how to tune analog set-ups as well as anyone. That's the difference. I depend on no particular dealer or manufacturer , unless they offer. And you, Noble Black Knight from where do your ideas dwell ?? How can you imagine melting LPS on a thread that has grarnered more views than almost every thread posted? Where does that logic come from?? Personally , enjoyed the OZ, brick , turrent & bats better.