Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Z: Sending personal email had nothing to do with it. I previously made mention of the matter so I wanted to assure regular readers that Kipdent did all possible to honor repayment. Thank you , Kip.

As for the JB's sniping on water matters here are the facts, Nerl Water: The cost for a 1/2 Gal.of Casco-Nerl Water , Reagent Grade I , is $55.00 USD or $112.00 USD for 1 Gal. v.s. 3.16 Gal. of Aqunafina for $4.00 to $5.00 USD. Published specifications for Casco-Nerl Water as to;boiling point,specific gravity,flash point,vapor pressure,vapor density ,solubility & evaporation rate; all were found to be "essentially like water" or "same as water" per the standards published in CFR. Title 29, sec.1900-1200. The only differences I noted in specific resistance @ 0.2 micron for Nerl v.s. 2.0 micron for Aqunafina. Aqunafina standards are 500x lower than the EPA standard for drinking water from springs. As for soluable materals both Water's report to be near zero or zero in all published & measurable parameters . I consulted with the Supervisor for McCormick Spice Industries on the subject of water purity. He states it is common practice in Industry to maintain water purety at or to lower #'s than reagent grade as to keep flavors at certian consistent levels when used as a spray to coat corn or potato chips as for two of hundreds of examples in food. I consulted with a Supervising Nurse at a Pa.Kidney Dialysis Centre who said Reagent Grade water is used in the process because purity is warrented against lawsuit. Ok, so what's the difference between Nerl & Aqunafina waters ? So far,certification is done constantly to Federal guidelines for Nerl & packaging to medical standards.

I have requested further clarification from Aqunafina to explain what differences do exist and if my assertion of 99% is correct or near correct.

Z: I have posted this many times, I rarely (if ever) find a reason to steam clean beyond the initial steam . I agree that changing the inner-seleve & sealing the LP in a poly bag is essential to keeping a record as clean as possible. I formerly used a Hunt Brush but currently use a Destatic Brush found in Audio Catalogs for $30.00.

I am also considering a whole house duct cleaning & electro-dust filtering system to reduce home contamination.

But, so far I have never found a demand to give a LP a second steam cleaning. I will not rule out a steam rinse but have yet to do so. My viewpoint differs from some industery types that feel Steam Cleaning will never be profitable to promote unless conducted 3 to 4 times per year per LP. I think that is unfounded.

As to ho72: U so Funny ... Why build a vaccum system when one only needs to house a "Little Green Machine" , a complete system easily adapted to being the heart of a RCM for $25'ish used on Ebay. Hee, hee easy money to all.
I steam cleaning as a part of a cleaning regime i use once. Since I buy used records from a variety of places and many times the records are pretty grundgy, i find the cleaning regime works well to consistently clean records. I have used traditional regimes including DIY formulations to commercial cleaners(disk doctor, etc). Steaming vs nonsteam cleaning regimes works well imo for most common cleaning applications. I believe the quality of the rinse water is critical as is the quality of water used in the steaming process. Again, I clean once (whether steaming or not), then rely on quick brush (microfiber) prior to playing. As far as steaming vs nonsteaming, some records i have cleaned via typical methods just did not get the groove 100% cleaned the first time. It was not every record, but those that needed extra attention. (Most of us have brought one or two in this type of condition). anyway, since i have included steaming as part of my cleaning regime, i have not had any that i thought about recleaning. Again, this is my experience only.

First, your "facts".

You say: "The cost for a 1/2 Gal.of Casco-Nerl Water , Reagent Grade I , is $55.00 USD or $112.00 USD for 1 Gal."

Now, here again, is the link from my post above where one-anyone-can buy a 5 gallon container of NERL Type 1 Reagent Grade water for 55.00 delivered to your door. I'll do the math for you-that extrapolates to 11.00 per gallon, *not* the 112.00 a gallon that you insist on. No matter how many times you say that NERL Reagent Grade Type 1 water costs 112.00 a gallon does not make it a "fact". Yes, you'll need to do some work to verify this assertion: you'll need to *click on the following link*. Good luck.

As for consulting someone at a 'spice' company to discuss water purity, that's...interesting. I'm sure you could call lots of folk in various and sundry industries and eventually find someone to agree with you, if for no other reason than to get you off the phone. And did you ask your nephrology nurse if, in a pinch, she would substitute Aquafina for dialysis patients? Let's just assume that's a "no".

Say, here's a fun article about Aquafina:

Which brings us to a salient point-Aquafina is a Pepsi product, produced at your local bottling plant because it's cheap and easy, and saves on shipping charges. However, for that reason and because there is no government oversight, it's actual quality is dependent on who's cleaning the machinery, changing the filters, checking the final product, etc. on any given day, at any given plant across the country.

For that reason alone, I'm willing to pay my 11.00 a gallon for my NERL water. My five gallon investment will last me years, and hundreds, if not thousands, of records. Others may not be willing to spend that much. *That's fine with me*. Anyone here can use ditch water for all I care-and simply because M. Fremer suggests something doesn't mean it's true. BTW-where did you read that Mikey steam cleans his records? Another curious "fact".

Finally, please read this slowly and carefully: I don't want to usurp your Rightful Place as 'King of the Steam Cleaners'. I don't, and won't, steam clean my records for various reasons, so I have no desire to be the big fish in this very, very small pond. Whatever it is, it's all yours, but if I see something that I know is incorrect in your posts, or anyone's, I'm going to bring that error to the attention of anyone following the thread.

For anyone who wants to learn about water purification from an actual expert, there's a great post right here on A'gon that will answer more questions than you probably want to ask. Link below...

via con dios
Post removed 
Thanks, Johnbrown!
I'm having shirts made that says "Mikey don't steam".
(contrary to what some have tried to say)

Has anyone heard of using reverse osmosis water for a rinse?