Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
In fact, I have had an email correspondence with 'Stltrains' that was informative and...great. Looking at his web personality, and his youtube vinyl-steaming video, perhaps he should take over as 'Steaming Head Honcho'-he certainly seems to have less ego involved, and seems much more directed to simply wanting clean records.

No, no. no, Charlie/Crem is the rightful steam cleaning head honcho, He has spent more time and effort on this than any human and deserves to be Top Dog. My position is that the value of any idea or processes directly corresponds to the quality, depth and breadth of criticism it can withstand.
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Lets cut to the chase. Mapleshade Audio & I are in complete agreement in regard to Steam Cleaning. Pepsi & I have had detailed discussions & they have committed the Company to an inquery in regards to Aqunafina Water. Mapleshade has made a generious offer outlined in Mapleshades Spring 09 Handbook (PP63-64) to allow buyers of their steam cleaning product outlined on those pages to try steam cleaning for 30 days. The offer stands on its own merits and can be read in the handbook or on line @ The deal is simple try their product & should you meet the requirements posted and are dissatisified they will return your money.

Both Mapleshade & Pepsi take there products seriously . Mapleshade defends Steam Cleaning , Pepsi Aqunafina Water. They have the resources to support the respective products. Are you willing to come forward & try Steam Cleaning ? Its no longer about "Crem1", its about if you will meet the challenge. Well, do you ??
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