Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I have not had problems with impacting labels unless i have a lot of cleaning fluid or rinse water on the record when i steam. The plume of the steam should be controlled to avoid hitting the label. Takes a little practice but worked well. I spin with one hand and direct the steam with another(i have a manual TT platform that I use to clean and steam on)
wow steam cleaning huh? i might look into that.

currently i use a microfiber cloth and a spray (40/60 mix of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water).
I have read this thread with great interest and I want to try this method. As the model originally available at Walgreens is now gone, what is the recommended steamer now? Also without having to read about a thousand posts, is there a place where one can read an overview or summary of what products to use/get?

Walgreens still carries the "Living Solutions" steamer. Same as the "Perfection" except green instead of red - inexpensive and effective.
Alan I've been using disk doctor cleaning fluids. Vpi 17f brushes
With my 16,5 record cleaning machine. The rcm is not necessary as a
Lazy susan works well for spinning your records. And as doak
Mentioned steamers are available. Good luck and let us know
Your progress.