Dear friends: For almost all of us it is a " routine " talk about the importance of the room where our audio system belongs.
I have no doubts that and answer to the thread question: Our system, how good it is?, is directly/intimate related to another question: how good is the system/room interaction/relationship?.
We all know the critical importance of that " interaction/relationship " and that's why many of you already care about some way or the other and several of us made almost nothing about.
There are several factors to cover on that room/system interaction but I want to refer this time to the importance of the room treatment.
My bias to a room treatment is: make it very careful ( first step: identified " problems " . ) watching to lose the less. What I mean to " lose the less ".
Well, I heard some home audio systems in dedicated rooms with whole/overall room treatment ( very expensive ones. ) that sounds very good but not good enough for the investment on it.
IMHO ( and I'm not saying is totally true, maybe I'm wrong. ) the professional or non-professional room treatment is something like the quimiotheraphy ( therapy against Cancer ), it takes ( out ) the bad room/system anomalies and along those bad anomalies it takes ( out ) too some " good vibes " .
I use very little " room treatment " in my audio system ( you can read in my virtual system about. ) and till last week I was really satisfied with. Well, a few days ago I was at my friend Guillermo's place checking and testing our tonearm prototype and before I say him " bye bye " I saw in one open closet two white room treatment sheets that he was not using and ask for he borrow to me and then I take it and come home with.
My idea was to use these Skyline RPG devices ( like 50-60 cm squares. ) in the ceiling of my system room to break those ceiling first reflextions, unfortunately I can't do it because my ceiling has not a " flat " surface but has a wrinkle/crease surface ( here in Mexico name it: tyrol. ) so I can't fix those Skyline sheets through double-sided tape.
So, what to do with before I return it to Guillermo?, well I take it and put each one right behind each speaker down on the floor and against the window.
I don't try to play any record because that was not what I was planned: I was planned to have on the room celing.
Day after this I start like almost everyday to hear some music and almost from the very first note I was " surprised " to heard a different quality performance from what I'm acustom to, as more hearing time I take in count that that different quality performance was not only different but a better stepped one. So, I take my reference recordings and play with to find that the improve was/is almost incredible ( and is difficult that something realy take me by " surprise ", you know. ) where the only change in the room/system was these two Skyline RPG diffusor sheets ( btw, its works from 125hz to 4khz, where our brain/ears are so sensitive. ).
To say that those only two " pieces " makes a paramount difference could be a misunderstanding: NO the differences is almost like to hear a new system wih the same tonal balance but where every single frequency range in the audio frequency spectrum improve in clarity, transparency, definition, trasients speed/dynamic, a lower way lower distortion music images, focus and the " true sensation " and emotional feeling of " you are there ".
Gone almost totally the " feeling " that I'm hearing a home audio system ( it does not matters how good the system. ), the feeling is that now there is almost " nothing " between the music and me/you. This kind of experience is so intimate that I only hear/heard on some circumstances in live events.
I can say that any one of the changes/up-date ( over the years. ) that I made/make in my system compare with the quality improvement with these room treatment items.
These RPG devices have a very high index/factor of diffusion/reflextion along very lower index/factor of absorption.
Certainly I will order very soon more of these Skyline RPG devices, step by step looking to an improve that for what I already have I can't imagine any quality improvement.
Amazing!! for say the least.
I have no words to share with all of you how truly exited I'm about. A must to try.
Regards and enjoy the music.
I have no doubts that and answer to the thread question: Our system, how good it is?, is directly/intimate related to another question: how good is the system/room interaction/relationship?.
We all know the critical importance of that " interaction/relationship " and that's why many of you already care about some way or the other and several of us made almost nothing about.
There are several factors to cover on that room/system interaction but I want to refer this time to the importance of the room treatment.
My bias to a room treatment is: make it very careful ( first step: identified " problems " . ) watching to lose the less. What I mean to " lose the less ".
Well, I heard some home audio systems in dedicated rooms with whole/overall room treatment ( very expensive ones. ) that sounds very good but not good enough for the investment on it.
IMHO ( and I'm not saying is totally true, maybe I'm wrong. ) the professional or non-professional room treatment is something like the quimiotheraphy ( therapy against Cancer ), it takes ( out ) the bad room/system anomalies and along those bad anomalies it takes ( out ) too some " good vibes " .
I use very little " room treatment " in my audio system ( you can read in my virtual system about. ) and till last week I was really satisfied with. Well, a few days ago I was at my friend Guillermo's place checking and testing our tonearm prototype and before I say him " bye bye " I saw in one open closet two white room treatment sheets that he was not using and ask for he borrow to me and then I take it and come home with.
My idea was to use these Skyline RPG devices ( like 50-60 cm squares. ) in the ceiling of my system room to break those ceiling first reflextions, unfortunately I can't do it because my ceiling has not a " flat " surface but has a wrinkle/crease surface ( here in Mexico name it: tyrol. ) so I can't fix those Skyline sheets through double-sided tape.
So, what to do with before I return it to Guillermo?, well I take it and put each one right behind each speaker down on the floor and against the window.
I don't try to play any record because that was not what I was planned: I was planned to have on the room celing.
Day after this I start like almost everyday to hear some music and almost from the very first note I was " surprised " to heard a different quality performance from what I'm acustom to, as more hearing time I take in count that that different quality performance was not only different but a better stepped one. So, I take my reference recordings and play with to find that the improve was/is almost incredible ( and is difficult that something realy take me by " surprise ", you know. ) where the only change in the room/system was these two Skyline RPG diffusor sheets ( btw, its works from 125hz to 4khz, where our brain/ears are so sensitive. ).
To say that those only two " pieces " makes a paramount difference could be a misunderstanding: NO the differences is almost like to hear a new system wih the same tonal balance but where every single frequency range in the audio frequency spectrum improve in clarity, transparency, definition, trasients speed/dynamic, a lower way lower distortion music images, focus and the " true sensation " and emotional feeling of " you are there ".
Gone almost totally the " feeling " that I'm hearing a home audio system ( it does not matters how good the system. ), the feeling is that now there is almost " nothing " between the music and me/you. This kind of experience is so intimate that I only hear/heard on some circumstances in live events.
I can say that any one of the changes/up-date ( over the years. ) that I made/make in my system compare with the quality improvement with these room treatment items.
These RPG devices have a very high index/factor of diffusion/reflextion along very lower index/factor of absorption.
Certainly I will order very soon more of these Skyline RPG devices, step by step looking to an improve that for what I already have I can't imagine any quality improvement.
Amazing!! for say the least.
I have no words to share with all of you how truly exited I'm about. A must to try.
Regards and enjoy the music.