Question concerning the Mint Tractor

I am considering buying the Mint Tractor. When aligning a cartridge with the Mint tractor, would I have to take the thickness of the mirror into consideration by raising the VTA during cartridge alignment?
Amen, Doug, Richard ...

I frequently think about how better resolution allows you to hear more of the weird effects (sliding sound stage, etc.) as well as the good ones. The low distortion, low level detail resolution tells you a lot.

In the case of VTA, I think you hear less distortion when it's off, but you're likely more easily able to hear a shift in tonality. I'm a quite a bit more tolerant of slight tonal anomalies than I am of distortion - the latter driving me out of the room.

I think owning a linear tracker is at a minimum, a great learning experiment for inquisitive minds like yours (Richard, Doug). My experience came from the venerable ET-2.

With an unsuspeded turntable like your Teres (Doug), or your Galibier (Richard), you can easily fashion a big block of hardwood or aluminum to mount your linear tracker as a second arm, so it will be easy to compare against your existing Triplanars.

It's been some 4 years since I've done this, and it may be time to repeat the "experiment". The decision I made at the time was that the ET-2 did some amazing things, but lacked a bit of grunt.

I concluded that the ET-2 was as stunningly good as it was as much because it is brilliantly engineered, as it is because it is a linear tracker. Repeating a common theme I harp on, good design and execution show the pedigree of a product, and components with wildly different architectures (e.g. pivoting arms and linear trackers) converge because they are brilliant designs which are executed impeccably.

I'd love to sample the Kuzma. I'd also like to do a Triplanar - Linear Tracker taste test, now that I have a world class Triplanar alignment tool in my possession.

Interestingly, the alignment "protractor" you get (or can easily make) with your ET-2 is an "arc-protractor" of infinite length radius - a straight line. It would be interesting as well to try to replicate a slight alignment error with a linear tracker to see how it compares with the typical alignment we achieve with at two point protractor.

Are any of you aware of the Ladegaard, DIY linear tracker? Several of us in the original Teres build made them (I heard Jeremy Epstein's). It's a brilliant design that can be built on a kitchen table top. I kid you not.

I'm trying to remember who (I think it was Thomas Dunker) who forwarded us the files on the arm, but Roscoe Primrose posted them on his website:

Thom @ Galibier
Ah ... I took a look at the Trans-Fi tonearm. It's the Ladegaard design - leveraging the kitchen tabletop concept of using nested angled aluminum for the air bearing.

If this fellow has followed Ladegaard's general recommendations, then I'd say that this arm is most definitely worth a listen.

Thom @ Galibier
"I've wistfully noted that the Mint helps me imagine what a good tangenital tracker might sound like at all points across an LP.My dream has always been a Kuzma Airline.Some day."....

I hope you do realize "that" dream!....

Maybe you'll not think I'm as nuts as I've always come off,when you own such an "amazing instrument"!...Well,you'll have a definite different opinion of LP replay,at least -:)

I'm still "wistfully" imagining ANY kind of LP replay!

Thanks for the feedback.

The Mint tractor I ordered came in.

Originally I set up my cartridge using a Mobile Fidelity Geo-Disk.

The first thing I did, after receiving the Mint Tractor, was check the effective length and overhang, which was off by approximately 0.5mm according to the Tractor.

The line of sight on the Geo-disk is about 0.5mm thick so I must admit the Mint Tractor is a precision instrument.

Initially, the thought crossed my mind that maybe the Geo-disk set-up was close enough.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to go ahead and adjust my cartridge to the Mint tractor.

The Mint Tractor is about the thickness of a 200gm record and I usually listen to 200 gm records about 22-26 clicks higher than at the setting I use for my thinnest records. So I initially adjusted the VTA to that setting using the VTA adjustment on the JMW 10.5i.

I then followed the instructions for positioning the cartridge and Mint Tractor for effective length and overhang, which took several iterations. When I was done I adjusted the Azimuth since it was slightly off. I checked he effective length and overhang to verify that it had not changed.

The Mint Tractor instructions suggest resting at this point and after an hour and a half the preliminary part of the set-up, I was too tired to continue. I waited until the next day to finish.

Afterwards, I listened to some old records that I bought used. They sounded unbelievably good. The Mint Tractor is nice upgrade to my system.