Rega's T/T power supply: Is it worth the money?

I recently purchased a Rega P3-24 turntable with their Elys II cartridge. So far I have enjoyed what I have heard, but have played less than 25% of my LP's. I have read some reviews of Rega's TT PSU power supply as part of reviews of their tables. Nevertheless, at $375, it seems pricey considering the table and cartridge retail for $1200--- that is, the PS costs almost 30% of the rig. I have read that the difference with it in line range from subtle to a marked improvement in the sound. I would like input from members who own or have owned this upgrade....Also would the Project SpeedBox II work with the Rega P3-24??. Thanks, Jim

Does all the Rega tables use the same TTPSU? Are the ones supplied with the P9 the same as the one supplied with the P3-24 and P5, P7? Just wondering?

The one supplied with the P9 comes in a chasis that resembles the Apollo CD player.

Does anyone here use the Pro-ject Speedbox with a Rega TT?
I am curious if this would work also.
I don't think the Speed Box will work with a Rega.

The TTPSU is a substantial upgrade. Worth every penny. Regardless of the turntable, I've never heard one that wasn't significantly bettered by an external power supply.

FYI, the P7 is only half again as much as a P5 with the TT PSU, which is the comparison to make, since the P7 comes with it's own, better oiptimized, PSU.