you took the thoughts right out of ye olde brain! I was going to post exactly as you did: Loricraft PRC-4 plus steamer!!
you took the thoughts right out of ye olde brain! I was going to post exactly as you did: Loricraft PRC-4 plus steamer!!
Which Record Cleaning Machine?
The string based machines (Loricraft, used Keith Monks or Odyssey) are superior in both build quality and cleaning functionality to any VPI. I've cleaned 35 LP's non-stop in a single session on my Loricraft. I was worn out but it would have kept right on going with no deterioration in peformance from gummed up vacuum felts or overheating. If your friend anticipates enough business and wants really satisfied customers, he needs a serious professional machine. |
08-31-08: Johnnyb53Check that. It's even better. He can get the same model Abso!ute Sound reviewed at $4400 (and awarded a 2008 Editor's Choice) NEW for 1100 Euro, and tax-free because it's for his business. Now what do you say? |