Which Record Cleaning Machine?

I have a discussion forum buddy in Belgium who runs a video rental store. He's a big jazz-on-vinyl enthusiast, and vinyl playback in Europe is pretty popular--popular enough that he has trouble finding any used jazz LPs on vinyl for sale over there.

Anyway, he was thinking of installing a record cleaning machine in his shop to attract more customers and to provide a service to fellow vinylphiles.

His question to me is which RCM would be the better choice within his budget--the $1295 VPI HW-17F or something from Loricraft?

Thanks in advance.
How about the Clearaudio Double-Smart Matrix? Those are very pricey over here, but he lives in Belgium and may be able to get a used one for under 2K Euro.
08-31-08: Johnnyb53
How about the Clearaudio Double-Smart Matrix? Those are very pricey over here, but he lives in Belgium and may be able to get a used one for under 2K Euro.
Check that. It's even better. He can get the same model Abso!ute Sound reviewed at $4400 (and awarded a 2008 Editor's Choice) NEW for 1100 Euro, and tax-free because it's for his business.

Now what do you say?
I like my VPI but am curious about the price of the Loricraft PRC-4. I'm guessing well over $1000.
Isnt any serious Vinyl guy going to have his own RCM? Even if music lovers need to use the service is gonna take an awful lot to justify and then you have a bunch of guys who will only be there for the RCM, take up space and still not add anything of value to his bottom line IMO.