upgrade VPI HW19 Mk IV or get a new table?

There was a discussion recently on upgrading the VPI HW19 TT recently, but I can't find it-I have a HW19 MKIV with a TNT platter and a SAMA. I am using an SME 4 arm and a Koetsu Urishi blue cartridge. Should I spring for a new "super platter" or other upgrades for the MKIV or keep the SME and Koetsu and go for a new tt? I don't think a JM arm will fit on the HW19, and I'm not sure it would buy me an improvement over the SME. Are the newer VPI's that much better than the HW19? What think you all?
Tough to tell you which way to go? All depends I guess how much you want to spend, and what you don't like about your Turntable in its current state?

I assume your MK-IV Table ha seperate Armboard, so there is the option of a different Arm, even if VPI no longer sells the Armboards. There are Plastic Companies out there who can fabricate a clone of the Armboard, then have a competent Machinist drill the Mounting Holes, and Hole in the proper place for new Arm.

There are some who will agree,, that the HW-19 is of course a dated design, being made for just about 25 years, and as well, it of course isn't the prettiest Turntable to come down the Pike, yet still a darn good Table that IMO sonically surpasses its look.

Better Arms, Better Platters of course will net you gains, and perhaps better flexibility-adjustability.
The gains you may net may not be worthwhile though, versus the cost?

Of course, there's the little tweaks, footers, shelves, Clamps, suspension, or lack of (Sorbothane Pucks) that may cost less, and give reasonable improvements. I don't see mention of the VPI SDS in your arsenal, and that's another option?

Of course if you too hypothetically upgraded to a Super Platter, which one would hope to be an improvement, the stock MK-IV Platter can easily be sold to offset the cost of new Platter.

There's many paths, and one could even go custom, with all new Sandwiched Acrylic-Steel-Acrylic Base, and Footers, ala Aries MK 3, or HR-X, if you have the resources of a materials supplier, and a competent machinist on hand.

I almost thought of doing this myself when I did some recent Mods on my own HW-19 a month ago. Mark
Thanks all. No, I don't have an SDS. You know, it's not that I sit there and say I don't like my setup. It's just that I wonder if I am missing out on something..Joey54, what do you like more about your Scout as compared to your friends' MK IV?
The TT is sitting on a Brightstar stand-the one with the sand and the vacuum bladder, and it's in another room than the speakers, so I don't worry about interaction, and I probably don't need something as esoteric as the Brightstar, since it is in a different room. Looks don't count either. I didn't know that VPI stopped supplying the armboards.
My table is on springs-if I replaced them with the sorbothane stuff, how thick should I cut it, and does it make a difference?
look up 'anumber1' on VA-he's got a HW-19 (which he prefers to other tables he's heard/used). He's a great guy, knows his shit, and will be happy to answer questions through e-mail.

BTW, the SDS made a large, and immediately noticeable, improvement to my rig (Aries 2 ext., JMW 12.5). Buy used for 650/700, you can always re-sell for the same price. But trust me, you won't.
Many of the replacement parts, and the upgrade paths are now gone for the HW-19. You "Might" be able to get things like On-Off Switches, the Hurst Motor, or a SAMA if they're not on backorder. AFAIK, the Sorbothane Pucks are no longer available, and don't pop up much anymore. Thier availability used began to wane many years ago. It's been a good two years now that the HW-18 has been discontinued.

Of course, the two largest, and most influencial upgrade components to your system I feel, will be the Cartridge, and the Phono Stage.

Say as an example, you're using something like a EAR 834P, PS Audio GCPH, or other $800-$1500 Phono Stage, and now step up to a $3K-$6K Stage, let's say the Modwright, Aesthetix Rhea, or such, the differences will be substantial.

Sounds to me that you have taken many measures to insure good isolation, and as you know lowering noise floor is very important, regardless of what components are being used.

I cannot comment on the Koetsu Urushi, but as well, here a difference of sound would be noted with another brand no doubt.

As for Sorbothane Puck Height, I'm going to guess the the Pucks were 1-1/2" diameter, and about 2" tall. As I'ms sure you know, height will be important so that Plinth with sit correctly within Base, so you can re-install Motor Pulley Cover if you use it. With the SAMA of course, on can shim to adjust to correct height for Platter Belt. Rubber, or even Metal Shims could be added with the Sorbothane to add additional height if needed. Mark
I had a VPI mk4 that started as a VPI Jr. I gradually upgraded to the mk4. It was a very good table, but I ended up selling it to buy a VPI Aries 2 with the JMW 12.5 arm. This was a huge improvement in my system. The non suspended Aries 2 is much more dynamic and has much more of a live sound. The mk4 is much more of a laid back softer sound. I did not really notice it until I replaced it with the Aries. By the way, I had the JMW 10 arm on my mk4 (so to answer your question, you can use the JMW on the HW-19 table).