Much of the advise you have been given is excellent. I happen to be a fan of TW Acustic Turntables. I think the Raven One w. an external motor and upgraded power supply will be your biggest value for the dollar. Having compared it w. the Raven AC (the big one which is well over 10K retail), you get most of the performance for significantly less money. Then you can address the cartridge/arm combination as specified. My leaning is toward a Titan I w. a Phantom as it is a great combination. What is nice w. the Raven One is you can add a 2nd tonearm later and try a different combination. On the lower end, a Lyra Skala is an amazing cartridge which is in my opinion the best value for the money at a mid price. It has advantages over the Titan i in some areas as well. As far as universal tonearm are concerned the Phantom allows you to use damping fluid to allow the arm to match well with most cartridges. If you want to go to a "super arm" then I would look at some of the 10 inch or longer alternatives if you can go there, or add them later. These include the new SME, the Breuer or Schroder. Good luck.