ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.
Redtop, you either need some new comic material or you need to put the bong back on the shelf. ;-)
I had three models in the last four years; FX-100 Fuji, Airy 2 and Airy3 which I still own. Superb in every way with great detail and soundstaging; they have the same imprint sound, just a little bit thin audible on all models.
I used them with low to medium mass tonearms since they are very leightweight (5 grams).
My system does not revealed a great difference about quality between low and high output versions, be sure to have a phonostage with enough gain for low versions.
Redtop's comment was so dumb that I had to see if all his comments were like this, and right near the top I saw:
"05-04-08: Redtop
Stay as far away from a shure v 15 as you can."
Redtop (Answers)

Pretty sad.
Maybe he is drinking the bong water? Either that or his brother who "knows his stuff" didn't know enough to play the ZYX through an MC stage.
I don't think you guys appreciate Redtop's great sense of humor. Very funny, RT.

I was hoping for some descriptions of the many different variants of the Airy 2 and Airy 3, why they are different, how the structural differences effect sonics, etc, how the Atmos compares sonically to the Universe, etc. But many thanks for the input that I did get on the meaning of the "X" and "SB" acronyms and the related alternatives. I will try to find more on Sorasound, but if anyone else has a cogent comment, please fire away.