Heaver grade vinyl vs Standard

I am new to vinyl and I am in process of buying a scout. I was wondering was peoples thoughts were about reissued 180-200 gram vinyl. Ive read that it depends on the a number of things (pressing, recording, turntable) but in general who thinks its worth it to spend 20-30 dollars more?
At least when you buy 180g or 200g there are, in most cases, 2 albums instead of 1 to show for your money. The marketing Einsteins break up 1 good album into 4 sides so we get more for our $30-$50.

Thanks guys.

Of course you have to get up every 11 minutes to change the awful recording which is either full of pops/clicks or warped like a bad pancake.

And the pigs keep feeding at the trough.
Agreed. I have noticed absolutely no benefit to 180 & 200 gm vinyl whatsoever. I find these records to be (for the most part) dull and rather lifeless compared to a great pressing from the 50's-70's.
This situation is absolutely ridiculous. We live a time of vinyl revival with the best analog gear ever built. The software actualy on the market is much inferior than on golden era of vinyl, even with the best mastering facilities. So why not writing a huge PETITION and send it to all the actual vinyl industries ? Everyone concerned by this problem agrees but nothing is done to solve it.
>>Everyone concerned by this problem agrees but nothing is done to solve it.<<

Here's an idea:

Stop buying that crap. I haven't bought any new vinyl in almost 3 years.

The manufacturers will understand if enough folks send the message.