Premier Record Cleaner, How to use

I regularly haunt the thrift shops for LPs and I am too lazy to do my usual 4 part Walker cleaning on all of them. I would like to do a quick cleaning to see if they are worth the full treatment. Would cleaning with Microcare Contact cleaner or Premier work and how do you apply it? Thanks, Don
Hi, it's pretty easy to use. I put the LP on my VPI 16.5, start the LP rotating, spray some on the record, and then use a carbon fibre or LAST brush to work it around. In about 3 rev's, it's evaporated.

I spray enough to coat the record and brush enough to spread it around the whole record. 2 or 3 records and you'll figure out the right amount.

It's quick and simple.
I strongly agree with the steaming and cleaning regime. I also have picked up many thrift deals that i use the steamer/cleaner wash to bring them to life. I have not used the walker regime yet but i have been pleased with the results I get. there is an old thread (closed) that highlights steaming techniques
I use the Premier on my used purchases when I'm too lazy to use the Audio Intelligent 3-step process and it's much better that the VPI fluid or Miracle Doctor. Rinsing after Premier with distilled water makes it even better.