I was talking about this with a vendor who makes RCM fluid and as he explained they tried something like this but it left residue behind drying it to the surface with a technical term for it I cant recall (something with a "v")
anyway if you use some food coloring in the fluid on a old album you may notice this affect with the Walker, you may not as I am only passing on anothers attempts at this idea. He also noted that is the entire reason for the brush on the standard wand, it is only there to prevent this drying affect. Talk amongst yourselves.
anyway if you use some food coloring in the fluid on a old album you may notice this affect with the Walker, you may not as I am only passing on anothers attempts at this idea. He also noted that is the entire reason for the brush on the standard wand, it is only there to prevent this drying affect. Talk amongst yourselves.