Questions about Zerostat use

I recently purchase a Zerostat gun (blue).There is no manual whatsoever so i have several questions regarding its use.The box says just to slowly press the trigger 12 inches from the record and then slowly depress it.
1.Should i point away when depressing the trigger?
2.Should i do it on each side of the LP?
3.Can i use it on cartridges and cables?If yes,how?
4.A small plastic piece that came in the box:is it just the protective cover or is it for something else?
I really appreciate your help!Thanks.
There was a thread recently that recommended pointing the Zerostat away for the release. I've been trying that technique and it's been working well for me. I only do a single side at a time, and only if I notice a static issue. Squeeze slowly and steadily. Release the same way.

Do not point this thing at a cartridge.

Cables can be safe. Try it and see if you hear any difference. Move the nozzle along the surface of the cable at a distance of 6-8" or so while you squeeze. Then listen. I use a Walker Audio Talisman along my cables periodically (but at a closer distance) and I hear a positive difference most times after doing it, more so than I've gotten with the Zerostat. Worth trying.

The small plastic piece is just a protective cover to the best of my knowledge.
It has been a long while since I used one, but, I believe you must keep the gun pointed at the record at all times. Slowly and steadily pull the trigger until it is fully depressed, then very slowly and steadily release the trigger (all the time pointed at the record). If at any time you hear a click and you feel the tension in the trigger has suddenly gone away, you have either pushed or released the trigger too fast.

You can tell if it is working right if you can feel a slight breeze when you aim the gun at your own arm. Just don't touch the tiny pin in the barrel while pulling the trigger, that little experiment will hurt.
Mine came with a little indicator that lights up when I pint the Zerostat at it and pull the trigger. That's how you know it is working.

I agree with Rushton, don't use this on your cartridge!

I suppose it may have some effect on cables but I use something much stronger than the Zerostat or Talisman for cables and tubes.