Album Storage

Curious how everyone stores their Albums?
I mean do you store it by genre, alphabetize? I’m sure most alphabetize them, but do you do it by the name of the Album or artist & if it’s by artist what would you do with Jethro Tull & James Taylor, go with the “J” or the “T”?
I use Collectorz for Mac. It is relatively easy to bar code in CDs. Like most of these programs, entering LPs is more labor intensive. This summer, I paid my teenage son per click and got my 2000 LPs and CDs into the data base (excluding classical LPs) and he saved enough money for an electric guitar.
I don't mind the data entry, I have already done it in an Excel file. I was just wondering if there was a good program out there (perhaps LP specific) that does not rely on the barcodes, as this Collectorz seems to, at least from glancing at the website. Something that I could just dump my Excel file into and then organize it and search it however I wanted.

A Google search did not turn up anything useful, at least for me, about LIFO? Can you be more specific?
I've been using Movie Collector and Music Collector for at least 5 years and they are very solid. DVD's and CD's are a breeze, LP's are a bit more difficult but not bad. I don't use a scanner, just enter the title and let the program search the internet for the correct data. They use the normal music sources like, but also have a huge database that are constantly updated by the users. Less than 1% of my records don't get a hit and I just enter them manually.