New record=Bad Sound

Hey all, I just put on a new record purchased yesterday. Everything sounds good except the mids. It almost sounds like its recorded too hot and its peaking at the meters.

This album is dear to me. I grew up with this band and know it is not recorded that way.

Do you think this New record {sealed when I bought it, came out in 1989-90} could use a good steam clean?

I do not have a way to clean records other than the Discwasher system.

Or should I take it back to my record store and get my cash back?

{First post :-)}
Good album. I never noticed the mids being hot, I'll have to listen again. I liked "Ragin Full On" a lot more.

Strange though, I've never had a problem with SST records. I've always thought they were really well recorded for an indie label.
Don't fret too much about bad records. They happen. That's part of what makes finding a really good one so much fun. Life's too short to plays the ones you don't like. Get rid of them to make space for more gems.
Hey Elf73, if you could check it out again and let me know if by chance its the same.

Love Ragin, full on. Love them all except the last one. Mr. Machinery Operator is the last ditch of keeping Columbia happy and getting out for Watt.

I have a friend with this album too, I'll ask to borrow it.

Also next week when I go to my dads I am bringing it.

The real pisser is the Coldplay album. Brand new and recently pressed. Side 2 sounds unlistenable.
Just noticed {why not earlier I dont know} major warp on the outer edge. Thats gotta be the culprit.

Its between two pieces of glass and in the oven at 180 degrees right now. {Actually cooling at this point.}

I'll let you know how it comes out.

Thanks everyone!

Ug....No good. It flattened it nicely. But now its either shrunk or expanded. Cant tell yet. Its horrid on the player. Worse...much worse.

The needle wobbles back and forth instead of up and down. {It used to go up and down because of the warp}.

Maybe its time to just purchase another!
