best phono preamps?

I heard the Jadis JP 80 MC and I was very impressed especially by the phono part. I have seen that Jadis builds a "only phono preamp" the DPMC. Any experience wih it?
which other phono preamp do you recommand?

my system:
Kuzma Stabi (looking also for new diamond)
Jeff Rowland Capri + monoblocs 501
Infinity Renaissance 90
Best for what? When you go for a very low output MC and you need high gain, I think, a transistor is the way to go (Klyne 7 for example, a good sounding unit, not so dead like most others out there).
Or you can live with 55-60dB gain, here you can go with tubes without any troubles (noise etc.), Lamm LP2 is uncolored and easy to live with.
This has been brought up here several times, use the search function to really see the results of the best phono preamp replies. I did a search for best phono amp and best phono preamp with varied results.

Personally I believe the Aesthetix IO Signature is the best sounding phono amp I heard, way better to me then any of the ASR's and equal quality (not sounding) to the Einstein, the Einstein has a different sound character. The Audio Research PH7, BATVK10SE and the LammLP2 seem to be the top contendors in a certain category, above or below those price ranges, there are literally dozens to choose from.
Good luck,
Atma-sphere MP1 Mk III. I don't claim it's THE BEST, because I have not heard them all, but it certainly is top rank and deserves prominent mention among those that have been listed. It's a bargain in the sense that you get a fabulous linestage for no extra cost.
I had the Alepha Ono from Pass.
Tried out the Audio Research PH7, Manley Stealhead and the Nagra VPS.
The manley stealhead has 2 MC inputs, 1 MC input & a line level input. Volume control or fixed output. It will work great for you and it sounds great when used alone as phono and preamp. If I were doing TT only I would have purchased it. The Audio research was too laid back for me but did sound very good. I need pass through for my setup and felt the Nagra VPS with the 2 MC input option sounded better in my system.
I have heard the Jadis DPMC and it is very nice, however it can only be used with medium output MC's otherwise it is too noisy. My dyna XV-1 at .38mv was too low output and too much tube noise was introduced into the system.

I think you need to give more of your personal musical bias's and what you are looking for the new phono to give you.

If you liked the Jadis phono stge, you are unlikely to like the Manley Steelhea or Einstein which are quite uncompromising or hifi-ish in their musical presentation