How would you rate the Well Tempered Reference Arm

Anybody have direct comparisons with other arms? Where does it stand in the marketplace? I currently have a VPI Super Scoutmaster plinth w/SDS ,Super Platter, Periphery ring, HRX record weight, SAMA and a WT Ref. Arm w/Benz Ruby 3. I'm wondering if I'd be better off with one of VPI's arms. Which one (if any) would overtake the WTA? Or,what other brand in the general price range would be better? Discuss,please.
Adjust damping by your ear. No one can tell you what will sound best. I mentioned that my friend's WTR table and arm always sound overdamped to me. This is probably because he just recently admitted to me that he has never played with the damping setting on the WTR tonearm. Having handled the arm, I can tell you he has it set very high. (If you lift it up in the air, it stays suspended in space.) I assume this accounts for my (negative) listening experiences.
It is VERY difficult to evaluate needs the both arms being evaluated on the same table with the same cartridge, with the same loading, with the best cartridge installation, etc. I have a VPI 10.5i and can tell you that I get better sound out of it than with the same cartridge (Benz LP Ebony) with the same electronics than I had with my SME V. There are those that hate the VPI arm for some reason...I know my system sounds better than a friend's with a Triplanar, and another with a Phantom, however, they are different systems, and you cannot make comparisons.