Tonearm compatibility and advice

Dear Vinyl Gurus,

Does the spindle-to-pivot distance determine whether an arm fits a particular table? Or is the needle-to-pivot the determining factor? Or does the headshell adjustment allow you to make up for small mismatches?

The tonearm mounting hole on my table is exactly 222 mm from the center of the hole to the spindle. I was considering a Hadcock GH 228 Export, but I'm confused whether it will work with my table. The spindle to pivot distance for the Hadcock is 212.8 mm, which is 9 mm short, but the needle to pivot distance is specified as 228.6 mm which will make the needle overhang by 6.6 mm.

I would greatly appreciate help understanding this geometry stuff. More specifically, will this arm work with my table? Thanks in advance.

For what it's worth:

TT spindle to center of mounting hole: 222 mm
TT arm mounting diameter: 22 mm
Hadcock GH 228 spindle to pivot: 212.8 mm
Hadcock GH 228 pivot base diameter: ~15 mm
Hadcock GH 228 specs
My table specs
Frankly, if air and spaciousness were high on my list of sonic goals a Denon 103 wouldn't be among the first cartridges I'd choose.
Doug, with spaciousness in mind, using an RB300, what cartridges would you consider in the less than $600 category.
If you like Denon, the 304 is thought by many overseas to be their best cart. in many respects. It is compatable with the Rega arm [I use one in my SME IV on a Basis Ovation] and should be around your price range.It is a very good cartridge.
Hi Stanwal, I'm sure the 304 is an excellent cartridge, but I feel the need to try something other than a Denon. I had a DL-160 for many years and currently have a 103 and a 103R. I'm ready for a change. Previous carts I've owned are Grado Sonata, Benz Glider L2 nude, Roksan Corus. I'm also familiar with my friend's Dynavector DV-20XH and like it quite a bit.

I bought the Mint Tractor today and had it configured for the MA-707 arm. I'm going to pull out the RB300. I'd like to rewire the 707, but it doesn't look like an easy project. I have no idea how the bearing comes apart. I don't want to break it. I may just stick with the original 25 year-old wire.