What tonearms are compatible with a Scoutmaster?

I can see from VPI's site that the 10.5i is compatible, but the 12.7 tonearm page doesn't mention compatibility.

Are there other brands of tonearms compatible with a Scoutmaster?

I currently have a Sig JMW-9 and plan on getting a Dynavector XV-1s and want to get a suitable tonearm.

Thanks in advance.
Mad, While I share your interest in the mechanical advantages longer arms offer, the Scout is an excellent platform. Infinitely upgradeable, and with tons of untapped potential. Any part you replace will be snapped up. Harry likes the Dyna stuff and would be happy to get you into a 10.5. Tweak what you have, is my recommendation.
In theory longer tonearms offer an advantage.

Unfortunately, they present problems including rigidity and resonance issues in some, but not all, cases.

It's interesting to note that most of today's, what many consider, "reference" tonearms such as Tri-Planar, Basis Vector, Dynavector 507, Origin Conqueror, Graham Phantom, Schroders, SME V, Kuzma Stogi Reference etc. have an effective length of 10" or less.

Just an observation; not an endorsement.
Origin Live makes several tonearms that can be mounted on the Scoutmaster. They will need an adapter to raise the arm high enough to work with the Scoutmaster platters. I have an Origin Live Conqueror mounted on a Scout with the Super Platter. I also am using the Teres Verus Motor drive on the Scout.
Well, admittedly I would like to stay with my table since I've invested in pretty much every upgrade apart from the arm. I'm attracted to the 10.5i since it allows VTA on the fly (something I've never attempted to adjust with my 9" since it's a bit of a hassle).

It also looks like VPI will allow me to trade in my 9 sig for the 10.5i.

Thanks, all, it seems like this will be a good step for now.
Told you Harry wants you in a 10! As he notes on his site and in person, the other mfgrs are getting on the bus with longer arms. SME thinks so much of the 312 they built a new deck around it. Again, your "platform" will serve as budget and ears allow, far into the future. Please disregard the old fashioned/uninformed advice regarding losing your investment.