Required Tools for TT Setup & Maintenance

I've owned turntables since the early 80's but never setup or tried maintaining a TT myself which I would like to get into.

What would you recommend as minimum required tools to setup and maintain a TT? What about reference "how to" material (books)?

My current TT setup consists of the VPI Scoutmaster, VPI JMW-9 Sig. / Dynavector DV-20X Low MC.
Roll of masking tape to make sure the platter can't move. I find this much better than Mint's suggestion of chopping up pencil erasers and wedging them under the platter. Masking tape holds very well and leaves no marks. Put strips on both sides of the platter. I second the eyesight, I sold a lot of turntables when I was in my 40's and set them up for customers without charge and enjoyed doing it. In my late 60's it is a different story.
Take a quick tour here. Then,
As above, simplifying Swampwalker, the absolute minimum required is:
A protractor indicating the two "nul points" and overhang (you can print this;
Stroboscope (you can print that);
Small precision screwdriver;
VTF gauge (i.e. a scale, to measure the "vertical tracking force"). Digital if possible, if not there is an imprecise but cheap mechanical alternative by Shure;
Stylus cleaner, brush &/or magic eraser that you will handle with great care;
The light & eye sight apply as per Swampwalker.Regards
Digital if possible, if not there is an imprecise but cheap mechanical alternative by Shure - 10-31-08: Gregm

Just to know I compared my mecanical Shure gauge with my Digital one and the Shure is perfect like the digital
A great result for an old mecanical gauge