I need an economical but good phono preamp?

I have a Thorens 145 TT with Nagaoka MP11 cartridge, HarmonKardon DPR 2005 HT Receiver and JPW loudspeakers. I had a cheap phono preamp from Radio Shack but there is a very loud (annoying) hum. I ran my ipod through the preamp and still had the hum so I don't think it is the turntable.
Can anyone advise on an affordable (<$200), yet respectable phono preamp?
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I'm suggesting to hunt some studio vintage preamp on ebay:
QRK Ultimate, better Shure se22 (Urei 1122) or event better Shure se20.

see my thread named Phono Pre Amp?

11-06-08: Thegoldenear

Thanks for your suggestions and I did purchase the 640p and the p must stand for Piece. The build quality is terrible and had nothing but hum after i hooked it up.

anyway it is on its way back from where it came from.

back to that drawing board and thats what i get for being cheap and trying to hide it from the wife. LOL

and again thank you!

I recently bought the music hall pa 1.2 for 130 brand new and its awesome better than the nad i had.

Thanks kevin
let me continue sorry i was at work i just needed to get my point across.

Lets start off with one there is a lot of BS in hifi. I has the NAD pp2 and i was on a mission to improve my phono pre amp. during my quest i found there are more opinions about and etc. Please read below some facts.

1. the 640p build quality is terrible and instant hum
2. the nad build quality is very good but very basic inside
3. the music hall pa 1.2 build quality is very good and there has been some thought behind the electronics inside for this specific price range.

is the music hall pa1.2 the best in the world no not at all but for under 200 you get a no fuss piece of equipment that opens things up nicely but then again this is my opinion.

I just wanted to let you know what i found with the 640p.

good luck
11-13-08: Thegoldenear
Thanks for your suggestions and I did purchase the 640p and the p must stand for Piece. The build quality is terrible and had nothing but hum after i hooked it up.
The occasional bad unit in any product line is inevitable. That doesn't mean that your one experience makes the whole product line categorically bad.

There are many, many satisfied customers--and reviewers--of the Cambridge 640P. According to the review I read at TNT, as well as my own experience, the 640P is exceptionally quiet, especially for the money.

If you heard lots of hum, there was probably a bad solder joint or a broken wire.

I've been using a 640P for nearly 7 months. It's dead quiet, not to mention dynamic, detailed, fast, extended, rhythmic, and tuneful.