Need Help Systemdek and Grado Cart..Possible?

So I just bought a Systemdek IIX which has an unshielded AC motor. I want to use an unshielded Grado Reference Platinum cartridge with it. Does anyone have experience with taming the RFI from the motor?

I have never used Mu-Metal but I wonder if that will work...if so, how does one use it to shield a motor?


ERS cloth / ErsaMat... would using a sheet of ERS or an ErsaMat on the platter provide enough shielding to eliminate hum in my Grado cart?

Would anyone please share their experiences?
Grados are one of the few unshielded cartridges. I had the black with my IIX before i figured that out. Major hum at the end of a record. Yes MuMetal works. pretty good. Make a wall between the two. I tried a sheet cut to match the platter figuring that would block it all. Nope - got worse. That just lets the 60hz field go to the other end and you get hum at the record beginning. You need to build a wall off the suspension.

The bests thing is just to ditch the cartridge. Go Goldring, Ortofon or Shure.
Have used an old Grado X.. on my XII when other carts have met with an untimely end. Now I use it on a direct drive Technics I use for travel(headfi meets)with no hum problems.
I pulled the trigger with the Sonata. It hummed, of course.

It turns out that Audionote supplies a motor shield for their current-production version of the IIX. I bought one directly from Audionote ($36.00 maybe?) and installed it. It still hums, but the hum is extremely attenuated. I'm tempted to try the ERSAmat under the felt, but I'm having a hard time parting with the $70. :)
I used a Grado Prestige Gold and a Grado Statement Master on a Technics SL1210 MKII and no issues with hum and similar... just superb sound
Now I have the Statement Master on a TW Acustic Raven One and same .. no hum