SSM Super Platter help please

I just got the Super Platter and replaced the Standard Platter of my SSM. I also had previously upgraded to the Rim Drive. The Rim with the standard platter was excellent. I added the Super Platter and now the sounds is kind of wobbly! I can't adjust the frequecy high enough on the SDS to get favorable results. Does the SDS need to be recalibarted due to the extra weight? Also, I had vibration issues with the Rim and Standard platter. I received new motor feet that eliminated that problem all together. Upon installing the Super Platter I put the old feet back on to the motor. I did this so that the Rim would drive on the center of the stainless Super Platter. The replacement feet made increased the height too much to accomplish this. What suggestions would be at hand? Thank you in adavance for your input. I forgot to mention that I also got the new TNT mini feet.
The other thing it could be is the lube on the bearing. It can take a bit to stabilize the speed. Whenever I lube the bearing, I let it run a bit before I attempt to dial in the speed.
I just bought a Super Platter for my Scoutmaster and it didn't come with any instructions (I'm sure that helped keep the cost down....)

Can anyone guide me through it? It came with:

- a belt (that mentions a bunch of models including the Scout, but not the Scoutmaster)

- a large bolt

- a couple thick black washers and a thinner silver one.

Thanks in advance!
So I think I answered some of my own questions.

I used the thin silver washer with the new bolt
I replaced the belt

I just didn't use the two thick black washers - I'm assuming these are for another VPI model.

Sound correct?
It's been a while(1 1/2 years or so)but that sounds right to me. I just changed the bearing and as I recall just used one large steel washer. The heavy platter just slid onto the bearing after that(it was pre-greased). It's probably the easiest(along with the mini-feet) of their upgrades to implement and also one of the most worthwhile(along with the rim drive which requires more effort and patience).