Teres Composite Platter, etc.

Has anyone upgraded to the Teres composite platter? Also, anyone with the Verus motor try o-rings made of different materials?
Chris, if you are dropping the 200 series tables, does that mean you will only be producing the Certus tables? Or has the west process proven to be too complex / expensive for moderate priced tables? Will there be a composite base instead?
The primary reason for dropping the 200 series turntables is simplification. Being a small operation we need to limit our offerings. Keeping up with Verus, Certus and 200 series orders was pushing us to the limit. When we decided to pursue development of a Teres tonearm something had to go. We decided that discontinuing the 200 series tables made the most business sense.

So moving forward the only turntables we will be producing will be Certus.

Best of luck!!! I loved the 200 series products. I'm glad I got mine when I could (even if it only has the solid-acrylic platter).

Has anyone tried a Boston Audio Design 3mm graphite mat on a solid acrylic platter? Could it be a worthwhile $200 tweak?