Nagra VPS

I plan an upgraded on my phonostage?

does someone could eleborated his experience with NAGRA VPS?

it replaced what phonostage?

if you upgraded and replace your Nagra, what top the Nagra VPS.

thanks for your help
I shall wait for your final review.
Mine is sounding better all the time.
The second input is almost broken in.
I had to swap inputs so I could break it in faster.
I play more stereo than mono. So for now the mono is all set just waiting for the stereo to catch up.
I believe the VPS will make you happy so give it a try.
Remember most reviewers and opinions say the Keotsu cartridges add color also and most do not care because they sound great.
Anyone tried the Nagra VFS with your VPS?

I spent the extra $300 or so to get the Nagra spikes, those helped quite a bit over stock feet. I also dramatically like the Nagra Spikes vs Finite Elemente Cerapucs (which are killer under all my other equipment)
My dealer brought a Nagra VFS by yesterday. Very nice improvement. More focus, more detail, just more of everything I love about my Nagra VPS.

I highly recommend it to Nagra VPS onwers.