What is your cartridge and tracking force used

Share your actual setup or numerous setup you liked.

Actual for me: Grado Reference Platinum with recommended 1.5g (from .75 to 2) tracking force. Im still trying to find the best one but im always coming back to 1.5.

Denon 301 MkII set at 1.25 grams. That's the lower end of the scale, but it seems to track everything perfectly.
Dear hiendmuse: 1.72 grs?, interesting.

I wonder how do you choose 1.72 instead 1.71 or 1.73grs? which were the quality performance differences in between that made you choosed 1.72 grs?

Could you share what " mo ve " you about?, appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas, I based this on actual listening tests and found that 1.72 sounded best in my system. I also recall reading someplace afterward that 1.72 was the optimized VTF for this cart. but I don't remember where I read it.