SP10 Mk II vs Mk III

A couple of guys here were planning to do listening comparisons of the Technics SP10 Mk II vs the Mk III, in their own homes and systems. Has anyone actually completed such a comparison? I am wondering whether the "upgrade" to the Mk III is actually worth it in terms of audible differences between the two tables. Possibly mounting either table in a well done wooden or slate plinth mitigates any sonic differences that would otherwise be heard. I am thinking of Albert Porter and Mike Lavigne in particular, who were going to do the comparison. Thanks for any response.
Are you certain this is a list of electrolytic caps, or is it a list of ALL caps used of any type? For example, I find it hard to believe that they used a 1 pF (that's picofarad) electrolytic. That's a teeny tiny value. Even the 1uF caps are likely to be film types, or film types could be used there. 10uF and above are likely to be electrolytic types. Anyway, thanks for the list. I am about to suck it up and do the work on my Mk II, too. As for the units of "WV", perhaps it will be clearer when you look at the actual caps, which are usually labeled to indicate their voltage ratings.
I am not certain whether it is available as a "free" download, but you can buy it for a very reasonable sum at Soundfountain. Look in the SP10 section. The Owner's Manual of course can be downloaded at Vinyl Engine.
Lewm, I am sure I can make a copy of my SP-10 mkII service manual. I got it with the machine in the box.
Sorry, Lonestar, I thought you needed a copy yourself. I have one already that I bought from Soundfountain. (So it is not in e-format, only a hard copy. Soundfountain sends hard copies from Germany.) Thank you for your kind offer, however.