Are Dust Covers a MUST

need some opinions on weather or not to keep the dust cover on my mmf5 TT?

pro and cons?

Thank you
After much experimentation (this afternoon) I think I like it better OFF. It seems to have a bit more air.

Whether it is all in mind or not is...the eternal question.
We make both plinth top and table top covers. Plinth top sits on the plinth and table top sits on the "table" or rack shelf.
If you don't mind the larger size, table top protects the TT better, and people like the fact that it is like a museum case over their fancy looking TT. Plinth top has the advantage of being smaller, hence easier to handle. The best cover is the one you will use, just like the best camera is the one you will use. I used to own a fancy Nikon, but found that I carry my Panasonic Lumix in my pocket everywhere, and thus using it the most.
So some prefer plinth top, as it is easy to lift and replace.
In any case, take the cover OFF when you play records. The higher resolution your system is capable of, the easier it is to tell the positive effect.
The higher resolution your system is capable of, the easier it is to tell the positive effect.

Vtvu, do you have a website or link to your products?
I know Ginko makes dust covers, costing $250+. There is one audiogon seller selling it at $175+.
I just use a plastic printer cover over the whole TT when not in use, to keep the dust off. I think it was $3.99 on e-bay, for 2 (so I have a spare if this one rips in a couple of years - ha!).
