Anyone used the jennings cd stylus scale

A friend directed me to this but he hadn't used it himself. It looks quite interesting. It is a digital scale the size and shape of a CD that is designed to measure stylus force down to .01 gram. Close enough for government work sez I .It is available for $39.99 + shipping in a 100 g version from different sites. One has a calibration 100 g weight available. Also available in a 500 g version for you Denon 103 users. [Just kidding , I have one myself] This looks quite interesting. If I get one I will post the results. Old Will Knott Scales has them as well as a pocket scale that should also work for $16.95.
Nope, that's not the one I have. I agree, it looks totally cool. With any luck, it might even work :-)
I got one. It didn't work. I got it from SaveOnScales. They have a phone number but when you call they refure you to their email site. I have been unable to get that to work either. Be warned.
SaveOnScales provided excellent support when I needed it (several years ago). Nothing to do with the JS-CD-100, but they replaced a defective My-Weigh scale I'd purchased from them very quickly and at no cost. FWIW, YMMV, etc.