What cartridge for a VPI Super scoutmaster/JMW9 ?

I would like to know your oppinions about the best cartridge for this arm/turntable combination and why.
Thanks in advance
There are three cartridges I have heard with this table. They are the Lyra Dorian,Dynavector 20XL and Denon 304. In my opinion can't go wrong with any of these. But if push comes to shove I would go with the Lyra Dorian. I felt the Dorian was the best overall match with the tonearm and the sonics were spectacular, just liquid signature with a dimension of space that others lacked. The Dorian with this table had a way of bringing you into the music in a very special way that is hard to describe. All three are low output moving coils.
>>VPI arms and Dynavektor or Benz cartridges are best.<<

That's not true at all.

Clearaudio, Zyx, Lyra, and a handful of other cartridges will function just as well or better.