I found this thread looking for info on the Micro Phono which I am borrowing from a friend. Oddly, as a newbee to vinyl, I had my drop jawed moment of realization the day before he brought it over. The cause of this happy moment was nailing my vta. I too have a vpi (scout) and as the op described way back in 08, I found the sound to be nice, adequate, slightly better then my computer system, enjoyable, but once I hit that perfect VTA, wow. I was literally open mouth for almost 2 whole songs, stunned.
I was very surprised at how small the perfect window actually is, I used some tape to mark the adjustment, and a half a turn away and it is gone. I had read that when you found the right VTA setting, you would know it. I had played around with the VTA for a while and really thought I had it, so if you haven't played with your VTA there could be more to come?
Anyways I really like the micro, and while it was not the cause of my first vinyl moment, it clearly surpassed the last 2 phono stages I have used.
another 80's kid.