Sansui TU-9900 vrs Magnum Dynalab MD-90T

Sound I upgrade my original FT-101 Dynalab tuner to the 90T(tube version). Or find a 35 year old Sansui TU-9900? Any thoughts? Thanks..
My first thought is, will you have any sonic improvement going to the 90T.

I used a TU717 for a short time and it performed very well and if the 9900 you were to pick up was working properly I suspect it would perform very well. Still, I question why sell the nice tuner you have for an older one. IMO your tuner is better looking too. Have you considered updating your FT-101?
This doesn't address your question but IMO a better choice is a Mac MR-77.

In the context of the higher priced models i.e. 65, 71, and 78, an MR-77 is the genuine "sleeper" in the McIntosh line of tuners.

Good luck.
The Mac tuners will eat the MD for lunch!
You may even be able to get a pre-amp/tuner for less than just a tuner?
I would go for the TU9900, but plan on setting aside some $$ to replace the 30 yr old capacitors, and get an alignment. The Mac MR77 is also a good alternative.

Both of these models and more are covered in the fm tuner site on line. fmtunerinfo dot com.