What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R?

I have a brass plate on my nude DL-103 and I'm ready for a change. I'm looking for more air and ambiance, but don't want to sacrifice extension on either end.

I'm debating whether to try Uwe's Panzerholz body on a 103R, or try something altogether different like a Dynavector 20XH, Sumiko Blackbird, Lyra Dorian, Zyx R50 Bloom. I had a Benz Glider L2 (0.4 mV) for a while, but didn't find it any better than the 103R. My tonearm is Micro Seiki MA-707.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I think you should probably contact SOundsmith or other shop that services the 103s and go over it with them.
Acee, yes I encountered the same problem with my 103r (cinemag sut) but I found that if I changed the settings on the cinemag to 'high' it really fleshed things out.
Mapman, regarding your 103r, please remember my 'review' is for the 103.... I haven't even listened to the 103r yet! I am so Happy with the ss 103, I may just keep the 103r for backup, or sell it on.
btw, I am going to experiment with one of uwe's wood bodies on the 103 next, as it is a mod that can easily be reversed.