How good is the Oppo 105 as a DAC?

I'm in the market for a good DAC and always heard good things about the DAC in the Oppo 105. I already have the 103 Darbee edition for my home theater setup but was wondering about using the Oppo 105 for my 2 channel setup.

My 2 channel system (will) consist of a Cary Audio SLP 98L tube pre and Cary Cinema 5 solid state amp with Verity Parsifal (or other) speakers. Would I be better served with a more expensive dedicated DAC for a system of this calibre, or would there be only slight improvements over the DAC in the Oppo 105? It would be nice to have the transport as well.

I'm in the market for a good DAC and always heard good things about the DAC in the Oppo 105. I already have the 103 Darbee edition for my home theater setup but was wondering about using the Oppo 105 for my 2 channel setup

I suppose the real answer here lies in how much $$$$ the 105 will cost. A standard OEM, or Modded one? Modded from whom? New, or used?

Given the brand new OTB price I should think if the real aim here is strictly “2 ch” as was said by the OP[ then there’s little question that a dedicated DAC will surely outperform the the 105 in the same price category.

I’ve owned several Oppos. Up to the 83, and heard other’s beyond it in quite good systems. Even modded Oppos.

All were improved in SQ by the addition of a dedicated DAC even a modestly priced one.

No OPPO disc player to my ears, has out run a properly selected dedicated DAC for 2 ch audio performance.

Selecting a Good DAC which has good jitter attenuation/control and suits either the system synergy or the OP listening perfs is where I’d ALWAYS put my $$$$. That is of course, IF obtaining the best 2 ch audio is INDEED the desire.

Obtaining a decent transport later will definitely be a far lesser concern, IF a nice DAC is chosen now.

In the 1K to 1.5K DAC arena there are a few well worth checking out. Especially if pre-owned DACs are acceptable.

Why compromise the stereo sound given the items already in house?
So-so for a DAC IMO. I have a PSA Perfect Wave and the OPPO leaves much to desire. The OPPO is GREAT for BLU-Ray video for sure.
Pokey77, I'm comparing it mid priced Denon Universal players from $700 - $1500 range. The model nos. are irrelevant as they're changing them constantly along with the US price points.
John Tucker of Exemplar Audio has long believed that the major failing of dac is that their output stage is no good. The Oppo 105 is a perfect example. I got to compare a stock unit with the Exemplar unit with a complete replacement of the Oppos output stage. There was no comparison. As we say, the standard Oppo 105 sounded broken.
I replaced an Ayre CX-7 (original, no mods) with an Oppo 105 last year, it was better on stereo.

The functionality and versatility of the player combined with the stereo capability make it a very attractive proposition at the price point.

How much it takes to beat it or if there reasonable price DAC's that can take it up a level-is another question....or two.

Oppo does seem to attract it's critics but in many cases they are comparing other models than the 105