Allaerts down-repair or ??

After about a year in my system,the ECO has ceased to produce any sounds from the left-hand channel.After speaking with my dealer and Audio Advancements,I was told that it would take at least 6 months to get the cartridge repaired.After inquiring further,it appears as if 24 months or more may be the "real" time period.
Would having someone else take a "look" be an unwise course of action,as this would negate my "warranty".
Your thoughts?
Happy Holidays and thanks in advance for your response.
Yeah Tom, can't wait to hear who or what is the culprit on this story/nightmare!
Dealers of such high-end gear don't just overlook noting serial numbers on invoices -- unless they have a reason. Regardless, you can still hold the dealer responsible, unless he no longer wants to represent JA ;-)

I sent my cartridge directly to Jan by insured post. It's quicker. He emailed me once he'd received it and usually answers his emails.

I think he's quite proprietorial about his carts and doesn't like anyone else rebuilding them. Mind you, his rebuild costs for a top end cart are pretty reasonable.

I've decided to take Mosins' advice and buy a back-up.Having virtually fell in love with my Allaerts,I have decided to pick-up (no pun intended) another Allaerts.This time I will deal directly with the importer (Hart-Audio Advancements).I am digging deep into my pockets,but having had this GREAT an experience, it would be impossible to turn my back on these cartridges.I plan to grab an Eco II and evaluate it against the sound of the original.This should give me time to decide whether to update mine to the "II" or to "original" status.
I am hoping that Hart/AA will help me out with said "warranty",as the dealer is not returning my calls.
This is not the first problem to have arisen with him.The other, being asked to pay for an armboard that should have been included with my table.That required contacting the company directly,prior to getting results.I can only hope that I will have a similiar conclusion with JAs" Eco cartridge.
Gave a couple calls out to a few dealers.Was able to pick up an Allaerts Eco at a good price.That should keep me spinning vinyl,until the first one comes back.I know that I have thoroughly enjoyed this cartridge and did not want to experiment with another when money is tight.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and to those of you who contacted me trying to help.Happy Listening.Tom