How many 16.5 cleaners do you think that VPI sells? Probably more than a few a year I would have to think. Of course, there are other methods other than a vacuum cleaner to clean your records but it seems to be the most common and popular method by far in terms of getting the job done properly. Before the advent of such a machine, people likely made due with other methods. I'm sure that the oven method can be made to work fine but it would suck to make a mistake due to an innacurate thermometer, leaving it in too long etc.
Having a neat and clean solution to fixing a warped record is something that would appeal to a certain group of people, no? Given how many audio accessories are out there, many of them seemingly frivolus or questionable it doesn't seem that far out that some would like to have such an item in their audio toolbox.
Having a neat and clean solution to fixing a warped record is something that would appeal to a certain group of people, no? Given how many audio accessories are out there, many of them seemingly frivolus or questionable it doesn't seem that far out that some would like to have such an item in their audio toolbox.