Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
The drying cycle of the Audio Desk unit appears to use forced air and not vacuum. In my opinion, you would have to re-clean each disk on a vacuum machine. Blowing air on a lp is not going to get all the liquid off, and residue will have a better chance to remain jn the grooves.
At three feet from the Audio Desk Systeme Vinyl Cleaner (ADSVC) the C-weighted sound level is 74 dB while the fans are running to dry a record, much quieter than a Nitty Gritty in my experience. The wet cleaning portion of the cycle is much quieter. None of the previous comments in response to your post were informed by experience with the ADS unit since none had shipped to purchasers in the U.S. before 14 AUG. All of it was conjecture. Ultrasound was used to clean 200,000 records at the Swedish Radio Library without damage. The ADSVC doesn't noticeably warm the record or the bath. The blow drying is a complete success, leaving the record ready to place in its inner sleeve. Discs sound pristine after treatment with the ADSVC, unless of course the pressing itself is noisy or the record is scratched. I found a Warren Zevon record recently that had paper fibers pressed into the grooves during manufacture. A 200 gram pressing from Cisco that had been cleaned previously with the Disc Doctor system and dried on a vacuum slot sounded less noisy after further treatment with the ADSVC.
I run the audio desk vinyl cleaner since 3 months and I am very happy. In the beginning the drying process was not at its optimum. Therefore the process chip had to be reprogrammed. One can exchange the chip quite easy.

I also use a Clearaudio Double Matrix and a Source Odyssey RCMMKV. Both machines have their pros and cons, the Double Matrix is good for the quick run and the Source Odyssey provides the best result. The Vinyl Cleaner is an excellent washing machine especially for the lazy boys...
I'm trying this machine out now. I'm very impressed. I can clean LPs in a fraction of the time and effort and they come out looking beautiful.

I normally use Walker Prelude 4 step and was worried about some audible residue but so far so good.
I have tested four different versions together with Rainer Gläss during the market entry phase. I wasn´t convinced from the beginning. Now he has a chip programmed which is superior to the first ones. This machine is now a killer application. It doesn`t look like that from the outside but it is really one of the best ways to clean your records - and it is the most easy way to do so.