Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.

sounds like a great machine. Don't the brushes get dirty? How do you clean the brushes? How long do the brushes last? Replacement cost? Just curious since there is a lot of buzz about this machine.
Dmgrant1, you may pull the brushes off and wash them with water. The same you have to do with the white sponge like part in the top left rear which is filtering the water.
Guys, last night I was ready to try the Audio Desk but found nowhere did it say how to fill the unit. Do you fill through the filter hole with it removed?
Tbg, you fill 4,5 liters destilled water + cleaning fluid into the chamber. Be shure to have locked the outflow openeing at the rear side...
Thuchan, thanks for the reply. Not having seen a demonstration of the unit, I was thinking that the liquid was pumped out of the chamber and that I might have to remove the filter and pour the water in there. I learned, however, that you can just pour it in the main lp opening and then add the cleaner.

I have yet to decide what my procedures will be in evaluating the Audio Desk. Probably I will take one of my already cleaned records using the VPI and Walker's delrin tube, listen to it, and then clean it with the Audio Desk and listen again. I also bought a lot of used records at the RMAF, all of which need cleaning. I will probably use the Audio Desk, listen and then clean with the VPI/Walker and listen.